Since then I am a blogger. (my greeting post) Hello, my name is Nastya. I am getting a bachelor's degree in the lingvistics from the Belarussian State University. Tha crucial thing why I am here is to share the information about everything I am passionate about. From the name of the blog you may guesss that mostly it would be about languages, but here you will find the articles about the methods of learning ESL, literature, art and minimalism. I hope that this blog helps me find like-minded people and in future we will create the real community of motivated and talented people. And every post will contain the positive affirmation. You’ve probably seen Instagram, Twitter and Facebook posts that quote positive affirmations. If you this word is new for you, so positive affirmations are statements that are repeated to encourage and uplift the person speaking them. And I start my blog with this one: My positive attitude, confidence and hard work naturall...