Hello, dear fellows.
Today we gonna discuss survey services and find out why teachers are obsessed with different kinds of polls.
I have recently mentioned that a lot of teachers tried to incorporate interactive tools into their teaching to keep students engaged and interested. One such technology that is free and easy to use for all involved is polling software.
If you'd like to integrate polling into your classroom, check out these tools:
Poll Everywhere
This is the polling software that I use for my classroom and also to present at conferences and events. You can easily set up polls and deploy them from a desktop computer or your smartphone. Participants can use their desktops, smartphones to text in their answers, or even tweet their responses on Twitter! Results display in real-time in a beautiful interface for all to see.

Socrative is one of the most well-known (and widely used) student response systems, and for good reason.
Teachers using pen-and-paper assessments or simple quizzing tools such as Kahoot! or Poll Everywhere might want to take a look at Socrative as a more comprehensive tool. Create a series of poll questions around a topic like internet safety to support a discussion about digital citizenship, or engage students in a Space Race to review last week's concepts and ease in to this week's lessons; the chance to provide instant feedback in the form of explanations can be especially useful to cement learning. Ask thought-provoking questions and encourage "thinking time" to give students a break from the practice of having to be first or fast, perhaps even allowing for multiple correct answers to promote critical thinking through discussion. Or create a standards-aligned exit ticket for the last five minutes of class to check for understanding and inform instruction for the next activity.
Teachers should note that it's easy for kids to select the wrong answer in their quest to answer quickly because there's no "are you sure?" prompt before they submit responses. Students can review the feedback from any assessment opportunity and apply that knowledge to future assessment situations with the tool or in the classroom, but teachers should consider asking several questions that address the same concepts in order to get a better idea of student mastery. As it is, Socrative is a teacher-driven assessment tool, but it would be great if there was a way for students to submit questions to the teacher or class for consideration.

Doodle makes your life easier by allowing you to create online surveys and polls in just a few short steps. Doodle polls are primarily used to find the best time to meet amongst a large group of people. During the second step of poll creation you can choose free text to create a survey for anything like. Whatever your intent, gathering opinions for your work or simply deciding on a restaurant for your next birthday party, you can create a Doodle survey to find out what people want to do. In fact, you could use Doodle to poll opinions about anything you like!
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